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Basic Things of Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Garments

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Basic of Textile Engineering! Spinning, Weaving, Knitting, Dyeing, Printing, Finishing, Garment or Apparel are the Parent sections of the Textile Mill. In several of Textile Thesis published in different magazine are found the contemporary articles about the modern mechanism and articles about Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Garments Technology. But sometime we need to know about the fundamentals of Textile. Very few of the thesis and articles contain it. So I will try my best to provide you the basic of Textile. And of course I will include everything about Textile successively. So let me start now………
Textile Fibre In Textile industry we have to work with fibre and fibre related components. That means without fibre it’s not possible to make a yarn. If yarn is not possible, making fabric and garments are impossible. So it is seen that Fibre is very important. First of all I will give you some basic knowledge about Textile Fibre. Later… I will tell you elaborately in the certain post that is collected from the various thesis and magazine. Fibres are used to production of Yarn and Fabric called Textile Fibres.
It is essential to know that a Textile Fibre must have some definite characteristics.
These are- 1. Minimum Length. It should be 100 times of long than its diameter. 2. Strength 3. Elongation and Elasticity 4. Moisture absorbency 5. Tendency to be twisted. 6. Fibre Fineness.
Classification of Textile Fibre: 1. Natural Fibre 2. Man-made Fibre Natural Fibre are derived from a) Tree i,e, Seed, Leaf, Bast Fibres b) Animal i,e, Silk, Wool c) Mineral i,e, Asbestos d) Metal Fibre i,e, Gold, Silver Mane-made Fibre are derived from a) Regenerated–Cellulose Base, Protein Base, Mineral Base. b) Synthetic—Organic Base (Polyamide, Polyester, Thermoplastic, Hydrocarbons), Inorganic Base

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