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Polyester | Physical And Chemical Properties Of Polyester

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Polyester is a very important manmade fiber. Polyester is produced with a long chain synthetic polymer with ester. Polyester is produced by melt spinning process. Here, I have given physical and chemical properties of polyester fiber which is important to know.

Physical Properties of Polyester: Like cotton or other fiber, polyester fiber consists of some important physical properties. Important physical properties of polyester are given below.

  1. Tenacity: 5 – 7 gm/den

  2. Elongation at break: 15 – 30%

  3. Elastic modulus: 90

  4. Elasticity: Good

  5. Moisture Regain (MR%): 0.40%

  6. Specific Gravity: 1.38

  7. Melting point: 2500C

  8. Volumetric Swelling: None

  9. Ability to protest friction: Excellent

  10. Color: White

  11. Light reflection ability: Good

  12. Lusture: Bright

Chemical Properties of Polyester: Various types of chemical properties of polyester fiber are given below:

  1. Acids: Good resistance to acids in cold condition. But polyester degrades by H2SO4 at high temperature.

  2. Basic: Good resistance to basic in cold condition but Strong NaOH dissolves polyester in boiling.

  3. Effect of bleaching: Polyester does not affected by bleaching process.

  4. Organic solvent: Organic solvent does not affect on polyester fiber.

  5. Protection ability against mildew: Good

  6. Protection ability against insects: Good

  7. Dyes: Polyester could be dye with disperse, azoic color and some pigments.

  8. Solvents of polyester: Following are the solvents of polyester:

    • Chlorinated hydrocarbon.

    • F3COOH

    • Phenol (in hot condition)

So, during processing of polyester, we have to consider the physical and chemical properties of polyester.

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ghassan said...

Dear sir
Please advice us about the price for the fiber which can be use for the
stone finsh

best regards

Onkar Tiwari said...

Hi, I am Onkar, Knit fabric technologist . looking for the suitable polyester yarn / Nylon yarn for high elongation as well as high stretch at both warp and weft direction in Knit fabric Inter lock based in weft knitting.

Please suggest the best one. Fabric application is backing of artificial leather for automotive.

Regards,/Onkar Tiwari

Mohammad said...

Dear Brother

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Best regards

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