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Quality Assurance System Of Knitting Division | Quality Measurement

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Quality Assurance System: In modern times, customers want to get quality and quantities products from the producer in every stage of production. For this reason, it needs to deliver quality product to the buyer. To be ensuring about the quality of the product, a quality control department is work for this. Quality control division is responsible to ensure the quality of the product.

In knitting section; a quality assurance division is involved to check the quality of the knit fabric before dyeing. After collecting fabric rolls from different machines, these fabrics need to inspect thoroughly by the quality inspectors to assure required quality before dyeing. Quality assurance of knitted grey fabric is described here.

Some points are needed to maintain for high quality knit fabric: During production, different points are needed to consider. Here are some of them-

  1. Brought good quality yarn.

  2. Machines are oiled and greased accordingly.

  3. G.S.M, Stitch length, Tensions are controlled accurately.

  4. Machines are cleaned every shift and servicing is done after a month.

  5. Grey Fabrics are checked by 4 point grading system.

List of equipments for quality control: To ensure the quality of the knit products, following instruments are required.

  1. Inspection m/c.

  2. Electronic balance

  3. GSM cutter.

  4. Measuring tape.

  5. Scissors.

  6. Indication sticker.

Quality assurance procedure in knitting division: In knitting floor; body, rib, collar and cuff are produced. The quality of these products is measured as the following way.

Body & Rib Inspection: After production of single jersey or double jersey knit fabric, it sends to the quality checking table. All rolls are kept in front of the inspection m/c time to time and are inspected over the inspection m/c visually in a pre-set speed against light. For any major or minor faults like thick-thin, barre mark, fall out, contamination, fly, holes, oil lines, needle line, slubs etc are recorded in inspection report to classify the fabric based on the four point system.

Collar & Cuff Inspection:  This type of products are produced in flat bed knitting machine. Collar and cuff are inspected visually under the light box, any major or minor fault in collar/cuff like having wrong ply, hole, needle line, slubs, wrong design, first round problem etc properly counted and recorded.

After completing inspection, quality of the product is measured in four point system. If the product passes the quality the it sends for dyeing if not it sends to store as a reject fabric.

So, we should be care full about the faults of knitted fabric.


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