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How To Execute Production Process In A Knitting Mill?

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Knitting is the interlocking of one or more yarns through a series of loops. Knitting process is the main activities for producing knit goods. In every mill, there maintains a sequence in production processing. It is a team work. In every steps of a processing every responsive person is responsible for give best production. In a knitting mills production process runs as the following sequence.

→Firstly, knitting manager gets a production sheet from the merchandiser as accordance as consumer requirements then he informs or orders production officer about it. He also gives the schedule for producing targeted production.

→After getting the sample knitting manager analysis the design and draw a cam setting for produce the desired designed fabrics.

→After getting the information, production officer informs technical in charge and knows about machine in which the production will be run.

→Technical in charge calls for leader of mechanical fitter troops; they also take decision about machine for production considering machine condition, machine types, production capacity and maintenance complexity.

→Production officer with experienced mechanical fitter adjust required stitch length and grey G.S.M for getting final G.S.M.

→Supervisor checks daily production regularity and make operator conscious about finishing tin due time. They also maintain daily production report sheet. They are responsible to inform the production of that day to the knitting manager.

→Operators operate machine in high attention as if there were no faults in the fabrics. If he thinks or sure about any fabric faults, then he calls for the mechanical fitter in duty. Mechanical fitter then fixes it if he can or he informs it to the technical in charge. Then technical in charge observer the problem and take necessary steps to remove the problem.

→During production time quality department also check the fabric and if they find any faults they inform it to the technical in charge. Technical in charge also take necessary steps for reduce the knit fabric faults.

→After completing the gray knit fabrics production it sends for quality check. If the fabrics pass the quality then it sends for next process.

Knitting division is very sensitive because performance of dyeing is completely depends on knitting. Any types of mistakes during knitting can be the resultant of rejection. A knitting manager should have deep knowledge about the dyeing, printing and finishing process as well as garment manufacturing. Others who are related with this should have the knowledge about the machine and knitting fabrics design.

So, try this at your professional life. I am sure it will help for getting better production in knitting section.

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