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De-Watering Machine | Objectives And Operational Parameter Of De-Watering Machine

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

In knit fabric finishing process; de-watering machine is used after passing the hydro-extractor machine. After hydro-extracting of the fabric, remaining water is removed by the de-watering process. During de-watering process additional chemical is used for soften the fabric. Different types of operational parameter are controlled during de-watering process.

Objectives of De-Watering Machine: Various types of objectives are achieved by the de-watering process. Followings are the main objectives of the de-watering machine.

  1. Excess or remaining water is removed or reduce by the de-watering machine.

  2. In most of the cases, softener is applying during de-watering process.

  3. Apply overfeed to give some compactor.

  4. Fabric is open from the rope form.

  5. Width-wise stretch of the fabric is done.

  6. Fabric is turn into plait form by this process.

  7. GSM of the fabric is controlled during de-watering.

  8. To control the crease mark of the fabric.

Operational Parameter of De-Watering Machine: Following parameter is controlled during de-watering.

  • Speed: As much as possible (40-60 m/min). Higher the GSM lower the speed.

  • Over feed: As required. Higher the GSM higher the over feed.

  • Padder pressure: 3-7 bar as required. Higher the GSM lower the padder pressure.

  • Width: Fabric width is adjusted as per required width.

  • Stretch: 8 to 12% minimum than the requirement of customer.

De-Watering Machine: Here, I have present two de-watering machine brand with its profile.

Brand name    : Weiss

Origin            : Western Germany

Pressure        : 50 psi

Speed           : (60-70) m/min


Brand name    : Bianco

Origin            : Italy

Pressure        : 50 psi

Speed           : (60-70) m/min

Another, famous brand is CALATOR BORAS, origin country is Sweden.

So, de-watering machine has a great impact in knit fabric finishing process.

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