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Mechanical Terms of Textile Knitting | Sinker, Jack, Engineering Cam, Knitting Cam

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

The Sinker of Knitting:

The sinker is the second primary knitting element. It is a thin metal plated with an individual or collective action. It may perform the following functions:-
1. Loop Formation
2. Holding Down
3. Knocking Over.

The Jack of Knitting:

The jack is a secondary weft knitting elements, which may be used to provide versatility of latch needle selection and movement. It is placed below and in the same tricks as the needle and has its own operating butt and ca system. The needle may thus be controlled directly by its butt and cam system or indirectly by the movement of he jack.

Textile Cams:

Cams are the device which converts the rotary machine drive into a suitable reciprocating action for the needles and other elements. Cams are of two types:-
a) Engineering Cam.
b) Knitting Cam.

Engineering Cam:

It is a circular engineering cam. The drive is transmitted and adapted via can followers, levers, pivots and rocker shaft. One complete 360˚ revolution of the drive shaft is equivalent to one knitting cycle.
In warp knitting, four types of cam drive have been employed:-
1. Single acting cams
2. Cam and counter cams
3. Box/ Enclosed cams
4. Counter cams.
Knitting Cam: The angular knitting cam acts directly onto the butts of needles or other elements to produce individual or serial movement in the tricks of latch needle of weft knitting m/c. Two arrangements are exist there:
1. Revolving Cylinder M/cs: The needle butt pass through the stationary cam system and the fabric hanging from the needles revolves with them.
2. Reciprocating Cam carriage flat M/cs: The cams with the yarn feed pass across stationary needle beds.

Design Cams of Weft Knitting Machine

There are three types of design cams are used in weft knitting machine:
a) Knit Cam
b) Tuck Cam
c) Miss Cam

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