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Off Line Quality Assurance System | List Of Equipments For Off Line Q.C System

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Quality control department plays an important role in all types of manufacturing unit. In textile; it has great importance. In knitting, four point system is used to measure the quality of the knit fabric. Quality assurance system consists of two types; they are-

  1. On line quality assurance system

  2. Off line quality assurance system

Off line quality assurance system: This type of system consists of quality measuring system when production process is completed. Here, I have described about the quality assurance system of dyeing and finishing unit. All the Off-Line tests for finished fabrics can be grouped as follows:

  • Physical tests

  • Chemical tests

Physical Tests: Following physical tests are carried out in off line quality assurance system.

  1. Threads per inch

  2. Fabric weight

  3. Width test

  4. Tensile strength

  5. Tear strength

  6. Seam slippage

  7. Abrasion resistance

  8. Pilling resistance

  9. Thermal stability

  10. Crease resistance

  11. Stretch ability & growth recovery

  12. Smoothness appearance

Chemical Tests: Following chemical tests are performed in dyeing and finishing unit of a textile mill.

  1. Fastness to washing.

  2. Fastness to light

  3. Fastness to heat

  4. Fastness to actual laundering

  5. Fastness to sea water

  6. Fastness to Chlorinated water

  7. Fastness to water spotting

  8. Fastness to perspiration

Equipments used for test: Various types of machineries and equipment are used during testing. Following equipments are the main instruments for testing. All of the equipments are not manufactured by same manufacturing companies. Various machine manufacturing companies are responsible to provide such types of equipments to the textile mill.

  1. Spectrophotometer with software (Data color)

  2. Martindale Abrasion Tester

  3. Day light box

  4. Sample dyeing machine (2)

  5. Iron

  6. Electric Balance

  7. Crock meter

  8. Data color

  9. Washing m/c

  10. GSM Tester

  11. PH meter

So, we should perform off line quality assurance with great care.

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Quality Control %28Q.C%29

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