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Procedure Of Rubbing Fastness Measurement | Dry And Wet Test

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Fastness to rubbing is an off line quality assurance system. Rubbing fastness measurement is important one to know the ability of the dyed fabrics against the rubbing or staining. This type of test shows the fixation of the dyes with the fabric. When rubbing fastness is found good then it also determine that the washing fastness of the fabric will be good.Rubbing fastness is measured in dry and wet form of the fabric. The rubbing fastness properties of the textile material are measured by comparing the tested fabrics with the grey scale and staining scale.

Rubbing fastness of the material is measured as the following way in most of the dyeing industry.

Sample: Following sample is required to measure the rubbing fastness.

  • Dyed fabric -15 cm x 5 cm

  • White Test Cloth -5 cm x 5 cm

Rubbing Fastness Measurement Procedure: It is a step by step method to measure the rubbing fastness properties. Rubbing fastness of the material is done in dry and wet form like the following way.

  1. White test cloth is put on to the grating and stag by steel wire.

  2. The sample is run twenty times manually for ten seconds. And the rubbing fastness of the sample cloth and degree of staining is accessed.

  3. For rubbing fastness (Wet), the rubbing cloth is placed in the water and socked and squeeze. The wet rubbing cloth is placed on to the grating and stag with stainless steel wire and run ten times manually then assesses the attaining on to the rubbing cloth and the rubbing fastness of the sample cloth is accessed.

  4. Finally, Change of shade of the sample is measured with grey scale and degree of staining of the white test cloth is measured by Staining Scale.

Different types of machineries are used to measure the rubbing fastness. Choose your favorite one for this test.

So, one should be careful during rubbing test.

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Md. Rafiqul Islam said...

Pls comments to improve the wet rubbing fastness policy.

Thank you

Cyril Ogbuanu said...

Am PhD student working on natural dyes and application . To what extent can you be of a help

wade said...

I would like to recommend you the Fabric Scale, to nicely determine the weight of the fabric, paper, cardboard, and film, etc. This electronic scale is provided with LCD display, stainless steel plate, touching switches and wind-proof caps. For more information, please click on https://www.testextextile.com/product/fabric-scale-tf120/

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