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Factors Affecting the Choice of Dyeing Methods in Textile

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

The following is a list of factors which dictate the choice of conditions under which particular blends might best be dyed:
  1. Coloristic effect required. Check is it union, serve, tone-in-tone or what-else? Ask your buyers that what he wants from you and dye the fabric or any other textile materials as per buyer requirements.
  2. Colorfastness required of the resultant dyeing. It is worth mentioning that – before starting a dying process in textile you must have to ask your buyer that, what type of colorfastness property he/she wants. Use grayscale to measure the colorfastness of the sample that you have dyed and let the buyers informed about it.
  3. Suitability of the dyeing for subsequent finishing processes. Finishing is the crucial point to consider. Every dyeing process might have different finishing process. Check what kind of finish you can serve.
  4. Compatibility of dyes from different application categories with one another. Blended fiber or Blend textile requires particular and fiber specific dyes to be properly dyed. It is seen that; if you use usual dyestuff to make a blended fiber or blended fabic dyed, then some parts of that fabric has been dyed and some other parts haven’t been dyed.
  5. Availability of particular types of batch, semi-continuous and continuous dyeing equipment. If you don’t have the required instruments, materials, dyes and batches; how would you dye? So, check and dye the fabric or fiber if all of the required instruments and materials are available.
  6. Cost of the dyes and chemicals involved. It does totally depend on the buyers and on the services you give. If your buyers want a blended dyeing with good color fastness and good conditioned; then you might have to rush to buy good chemical and good dyes. And most importantly; good services mean producing good product by using good materials. So it varies the cost.
  7. Economics of the overall process. The last thing one must have to consider; which is Money. How about your budget? How much money do you want to spend to dye these fabrics or fibers?
Some or all of these points should be involved in any decision to proceed with a particular method of dyeing a given blend.

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