Mercerizing is done after bleaching operation. Bleaching is enough for prepared the fabrics for dyeing and printing but mercerizing is done for adding some advantage to the fabric. Luster and strength of the fabric increases for mercerizing process. Cotton mercerizing is the most popular operation.
Mercerizing of cotton is done in three basic stages of materials. They are as:
- Yarn stage
- Hank form
- Package form
- Beam form
- Fabric stage
- White fabric
- Woven fabric
- Knitted fabric
- Dyed fabric stage
Methods of application: Yarn or fabric can be mercerized by J-Box. Mercerizing is a continuous process. At first fabric is hanked by the roller in a J-Box. Fabric is passed through a solution which contains 23% NaOH at room temperature. Fabric is passed for 4-5 minutes. Then fabric is squeezed by the squeezed roller and washing is done in a bath at 85 degree Celsius. Then it also immersed in an acid solution bath which contain 5% CH3COOH. After that is washed in another bath at 85 degree Celsius. By this way we can get a mercerized fabric.
For white finished goods, mercerizing is done by the following sequence:
Fabric after scouring and bleaching process
Padding in alkaline liquor
Neutralization in acid solution
A marketable fabric can be produced by different way. But day by day man wants to wear that’s type of fabric which has all possible facilities. Mercerizing is done in different types of machine. Generally mercerizing is done in dyeing machine. Yarn and Fabric Mercerizing is near similar.
Different well known buyer wants to get mercerized products. They strictly follow the qualities of product. After mercerizing fabrics become more suitable for dyeing or printing or for white goods it ready for delivery to buyer.
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