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Top 10 Cotton Exporting Countries Of the World | Cotton Trade

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Cotton is most used fiber of the world. The demand of cotton is increased day by day. To fulfill the demand of raw cotton fiber different cotton producing countries are trying their best. Among all of the cotton producing countries USA is the best. USA farmers use high qualified seeds for the cultivation of cotton. They also research to improve the quality of cotton seeds and its cultivation process. Other things is that, cotton exports to other countries after fulfill the domestic demand.

Top 10 Cotton Exporting Countries of the World: In world cotton trade, following countries are the most cotton exporting countries. They are also top cotton growing countries. If we add the 5 largest countries together, we see that, they produce 75% of the world’s cotton. The 10 largest producers have an approx 87% share.

  1. USA

  2. Pakistan

  3. Russia

  4. China

  5. Australia

  6. Sudan

  7. Paraguay

  8. Brazil

  9. Egypt

  10. Mexico

Above ten cotton exporting countries are generally considered as the top cotton exporting countries but this position could be changed day by day.

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mrs puja varshney said...

18th oct 13,

der sir,

we have a buyer in china who needs cotton seeds, 3,00,000 per year
even more. in case you are interested, we would like to have an offer
in usd on cif basis for further action at our end. or you may informed us e-mail ids of the possible exporters or any way
through which you can help us.

bilva overseas exports,
new delhi

A.P.Shanmugavel said...

Dear Madam,
Have a Good Day.

we are one of the leading manufacturer and domestic seller of silk cotton pillows and beds as Indian Traditional Way. For which we have been using silk cotton ie Elavam Punchu. But we don't know nowadays the supply of that quality of cotton has decreased very much. The said cotton is produced by some type of tree. We request you to arrange that type of cotton it would be a great help to us.Kindly help.

Thanking you,

Best regards,

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