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Linen Fiber | Physical And Chemical Properties of Linen Fiber

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Linen is a cellulosic textile fiber. It is collected from the flax plant. It is a natural fiber and it is more valuable than the cotton fiber. It is a soft and cool fiber and it is light in weight for this reason it is comfortable to wear. Its strength is more than cotton fiber and its value is about 2 or 3 times than the cotton fiber. Linen fiber occupied second position after Rame in regards of strength. The fabric which is produced by the linen fiber it is attractive and fashionable. To know about a fiber it is required to know about the physical and chemical properties of the fiber. For this reason, I like to present the physical and chemical properties of the linen fiber.

Physical Properties of Linen: Physical properties of linen fibers are given below:

  1. Color: The color of linen fiber is yellowish to grey.

  2. Length: 18 to 30 inch in length.

  3. Tensile Strength: Linen is a strong fiber. It has a tenacity of 5.5 to 6.5 gm/den. The strength is greater than cotton fiber.

  4. Elongation at break: Linen does not stress easily. It has an elongation at break of 2.7 to 3.5 %.

  5. Elastic Recovery: Linen fiber has not enough elastic recovery properties like cotton fiber.

  6. Specific Gravity: Specific gravity of linen fiber is 1.50.

  7. Moisture Regain (MR %): Standard moisture regain is 10 to 12%.

  8. Effect of Heat: Linen has an excellent resistance to degradation by heat. It is less affected than cotton fiber by the heat.

  9. Effect of Sun Light: Linen fiber is not affected by the sun light as others fiber. It has enough ability to protect sun light.

  10. Resiliency: Very poor.

  11. Lusture: It is brighter than cotton fiber and it is slightly silky.

Chemical Properties of Linen: Linen is a natural cellulosic fiber and it has some chemical properties. Chemical properties of the linen fiber are given below:

  1. Effect of Acids: Linen fiber is damaged by highly densified acids but low dense acids does not affect if it is wash instantly after application of acids.

  2. Effects of Alkalis: Linen has an excellent resistance to alkalis. It does not affected by the strong alkalis.

  3. Effects of Bleaching Agents: Cool chlorine and hypo-chlorine bleaching agent does not affect the linen fiber properties.

  4. Effect of Organic Solvent: Linen fiber has high resistance to normal cleaning solvents.

  5. Effects of Insects: Linen fiber does not attacked by moth-grubs or beetles.

  6. Effect of Micro Organism: Linen fiber is attacked by fungi and bacteria. Mildews will feed on linen fabric, rotting and weakling the materials. Mildews and bacteria will flourish on linen under hot and humid condition. They can be protected by impregnation with certain types of chemicals. Copper Nepthenate is one of the chemical.

  7. Dyes: It is not suitable to dye. But it can be dye by direct and vat dyes.

Linen fiber is an oldest fiber and it is use to make different types of fabrics which is used in various types of decorative purpose.

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sharad jain said...

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