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What is Yarn Count & How It is calculated

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Count is very important factor for the Textile Yarn Manufacturing. Maintaining the yarn count is mandatory to retain the quality of a yarn and fabrics. Now read the basic things about yarn count at below:
Definition of Count: According to the Textile Institute “Count is a number of indicating the mass per unit length or length per unit mass of yarn”. Generally Yarn Count is the weight per unit length of the yarn of the length of per unit length.
There are several count system of yarn. These count systems have been divided in two ways. One is Direct System where length is fixed and another is Indirect system where weight is fixed.
  1. Direct System (Length Fixed):
A). Tex: Weight of yarn in gm present in 1000 meter length. It is a universal system of counting the yarn.
B). Denier: Weight of yarn in gm present in 9000 meter length. It is basically used for man made fiber.
C) Pounds Per Spindle: Weight of yarn in lbs present in 1440 yards length.
  1. Indirect System ( Weight Fixed):
A). English Cotton Count: No. of hanks of 840 yds present in 1 lb of yarn.
B) Metric Count: No. of hanks of 1000 meters present in 1 kg of yarn.
C) Worsted count: No. of hanks of 560 yds present in 1 lb of Yarn. It is basically used for Wool.
If you want to know more about count system you may follow another post. link of yarn count. In the textile manufacturing industry; indirect count is widely used. That means; the higher number of Yarn Count the finer it is. But in the Jute or Carpet Manufacturing Industry where Jute is the main raw material instead of cotton; there the Direct System of Count is usually used. In the Direct Count System; the higher number of count of the yarn; the coarser that Yarn will be. Most of the time Yarn Count is expressed in Pound unit. For example; 10s, 15s, 30s etc. Here “S” is the symbol of expressin yarn count.

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