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Clothing Which are Used for the Naval & Armed Forces & Space Shuttle Personnel

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

In this post I will discuss about the clothing on which the clothing materials are used on the different sections and purposes of Naval, Armed and Space Shuttle Tavellers. The whole things I have collected from different resources. So read the thing at below:
Light weight fire retardant fabric is necessary for the clothing of the Naval and Armed forces personnel. Especially for the person engaged n engineering works and working in the heated condition.
Moreover their clothing should be capable to protect them from cold and should have buoyant properly.
Some clothing of such property is manufactured on commercial basis. Candadian forces are using such type of clothing. These types of clothing are made of Nomex fiber.
Head hoods and hand gloves made of Kevlar fiber are used by the Newzeland naval forces. Beside those clothing, different type of flame retardant clothing are manufactured and used by the naval and armed forces.
For the outer space shuttle traveler NASA (National Aeronautic Space Authority) has prescribed clothing of special property to protect the space travelers for the harmful environment in the outer space.
As such clothing, cotton fabric has been considered as the best because of comfortability, electrical resistiivity and skin sensitivity. Chemically treated cotton fabrics are used for the manufacture of such clothing. Two ply fabrics are used for the clothing. The chemically treated cotton fabric plies are 244 grams per square yard mercerized knitted single jersey fabrics.
These fabrics are flame retardant finished with THPOH/NH3 and DAP/Urea in two steps. As a result, these type clothing shows better flame retardancy and burning retardancy properly, this is approved by NASA.
Blanket made for the outer space traveler is made of two ply fabric made from glass fibre and in between two ply fabric.
Fibrous silica is used. Beside those, as heat resitant clothing needle felt nomex fibre, ceramic and graphite fibre woven fabric. Silicon rubber coated fabrics also used on this.
At the time of lunching space shuttle, to dissipate surface temperature of the space shuttle, water filled bad made of rip stop nylon fabric is used on its surface.
This type of water bag is manufactured by the Makrum Company. For the outer space shuttle traveler, a special type of clothing has been made. The clothing is made of tubular woven fabric. Woven in X-2 drapper shuttle loom with continuous polyester filament, then coated and moulded to the required design and shape of the clothing.

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