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Some Topics That Every Textile Engineers Should Have To Know

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

One of a boy yesterday asked me that if I want to be a Textile Engineer what the lessons I must have to be acquainted?
I told him some of the crucial topic name and except these it’s not possible to be a Good Textile Engineer.
Ok let me tell you now what the lessons that you may need to know:

In The Category of Applied Chemistry:

1. Estimation & Removal of water hardness.
2. Soap, Detergent & their synthesis, properties and application.
3. Chemistry of acids, alkalis, salts, oxidizing and reducing agents, catalysts, textile chemicals and their uses in Textile wet process technology.
4. Organic textile auxiliaries & their nomenclature and purchase.
5. Special pretreatments.

In the Category of Dyeing:

1. Theory of Dyeing.
2. Physico-Chemical aspects of Dyeing Process.
3. Theory of Dyes diffusion.
4. Adsorption Isotherms.
5. Pigments dyeing.
6. Natural Dyes & Natural Dyeing.
7. Metal Complex Dyes and their application.
8. Dyeing problems and their solution.

In the Category to Printing:

1. Theory of Textile Printing.
2. Production of Printing Thickeners & Pastes.
3. Details of Screen Printing (Design Selection, Screen Preparation, Printing).
4. Rotary Screen Printing in details.
5. Printing problems and their recoveries.

In the Category of Finishing:

1. Woven Finishing (Soil release, Stentering)
2. Knit finishing.
3. De-watering or removal of excess water.
4. Drying Systems.
5. Steaming Unit.
6. Curing Unit.
7. Compacting.
8. ETC.

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