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Faults of Knitting Fabric | Knitting Fault Causes & Remedies

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Knitting Faults: Faults in circular knitting production can be caused varies ways and quite a few of them can not be related to just one cause. The following explanation is expected to be helpful in trying to locate the cause of these faults easier.

Reason of Knitting Fabric Faults:
01)    Yarn Manufacturing Faults
02)    Fabric Manufacturing Faults
03)    Fabric Processing Faults – Dyeing, Printing & Finishing Faults

Source of Knitted Fabric Faults:
 The source of faults could be (in circular knitting machine, 80% faults come form yarn).
01)    Faults in yarn and yarn package.
02)    Yarn feeding and yarn feed regulator.
03)    Machine setting and pattern defected.
04)    Machine maintenance.
05)    Climatic conditions in the knitting plant.

Faults with their cause and remedies in knitting machine
Hole mark:
01)    Holes are the results of yarn breakage or yarn cracks.
02)    During loop formation the yarn brakes in the rejoin of needle hook.
03)    If the yarn count is not correct on regarding structure, gauge, course and density.
01)    Yarn strength must be sufficient to with stand the stretch as well as uniform.
02)    Use proper count of yarn.
03)    Correctly set of yarn feeder.
04)    Knot should be given properly.
Needle Mark:
01)    When a needle breaks down then needle mark comes along the fabric.
02)   If a needle or needle hook is slightly bends then needle marks comes along in the fabric.
01)    Needle should be straight as well as from broken latch.
Sinker Mark:
01)    When sinker corrodes due to abrasion then sometime can not hold a new loop as results sinker mark comes.
02)    If sinker head bend then sinker mark comes.
01)    Sinker should be change.
Drop Stitch:
01)    Defective Needle
02)    If yarn is not properly fed during loop formation i.e. not properly laid on to the needle hook.
03)    Take-down mechanism too loose.
04)    Insufficient yarn tension.
05)    Badly set yarn feeder.
01)    Needle should be straight & well.
02)     Proper feeding of yarn during loop formation.
03)    Correct take up of the fabric & correct fabric tension.
04)    Yarn tension should be properly.
Pin Hole:
01)    Due to break down or bend of e latch, pin hole may come in the fabric.
01)    Change the needle.
01)    This fault comes from yarn fault.
02)    If different micro near value of fiber content in yarn.
03)    Different luster, dye affinity of content in yarn.
01)    We can use this fabric in white color.
Yarn contamination:
01)    If contains foreign fiber then it remains in the fabric even after finishing.
02)    If lot count mixing occurred.
01)    By avoiding lot count mixing.
02)    Fault less spinning.
Yarn Faults:
01)    Neps
02)    Slubs
03)    Yarn count
04)    Thick/Thin place in yarn
05)    Hairiness
These are the common faults the Textile Engineers are facing in the Textile Industry. We need to well-aware of these knitted fabric faults and should take proper action to stay away from these fatal errors.

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