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What Are The Causes of Bad Selvedges of Fabric During Weaving

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

The beauty of a fabric depends on the selvedge. There are a lot of reasons that’s why the selvedges becomes odd.
In this post I will tell you some of them fabric faults. Just scroll down and read:
  1. If lower strengths yarn exist in the selvedge and comparatively fewer yarn can cause a bad selvedge of a fabric.
  2. If stretches or looseness is applied on the picks yarn the bad selvedges is occurred.
  3. If the temple is not properly used during weaving.
  4. It is mandatory to pull the selvedge’s yarn through the Heald Eye and Heald shaft. If it does not complete carefully the selvedges will be poor.
  5. Loose or Tight selvedge yarn in the Beem.
  6. If the calendar is cut by the press roller.
  7. Bad beaming causes the bad selvedges of the fabric.
  8. Unparallel weaving shed causes the bad selvedges.
  9. The temple should be fit straight with the fell of the cloth. If no, the poor selvedge is must.
  10. If the pick yarn is entangled into the shuttle box the bed selvedges is occurred.
  11. Vibration of the reed.
  12. Bending weavers beam can cause the bad selvedges of the fabric.
The above mentioned reasons are the main reason of bad selvedges of the fabric. So during weaving be careful on the issues.
You can avoid the above mentioned printed fabric faults if you take extra care on these. An experienced weaver can easily overcome the problems.

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