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Requirement Of Derivative Products || Derivatives Of Plain Weave

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Plain fabric has the basic design structure. If anyone wants to get success he have to do something more than that of design. For this reason various types of derivatives of plain fabric is required to establish. This modified plain fabric has a great demand in the market. Depending on the design, the derivatives are classified as the below.

Derivatives of Plain Weave: Plain fabric derivatives are as below:

Rib Weave: This type of derivatives consist of ribs or cord in the warp or weft direction. Rib weave is classified as below:

  • Warp Rib

  1. Regular Warp Rib

  2. Irregular Warp Rib

  • Weft Rib

  1. Regular Weft Rib

  2. Irregular Weft Rib

Matt Rib: Matt Rib fabric has a smooth surface and more flexible than plain weave. Matt rib is classified as below:

  1. Regular Matt

  2. Irregular Matt

  3. Stitched Matt

  4. Fancy Matt

So, there are lots of derivatives of plain weave. I will write briefly about these derivatives in my next blog. Till then.

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