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Properties Of Point Draft or V-Draft || Broken Draft

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Point draft or V-Draft and broken draft are the two important drafting system of woven design. Various types of critical drafting plan are done by this two.

Properties of Point Draft or V-Draft: The properties of point draft or V-draft are given below.

  • Point draft is used for woven structures which are symmetrical about the centre and they are frequently employed to produce diamond effect.

  • It is used where the straight draft cannot be applied because of large repeat.

  • The point draft can be considered as a combination of straight drafts, constructed firstly in one direction and then on other.

  • The change in direction takes place on the first and last shafts of the draft which are the point of reversal.

  • The first and last shafts carry only one end each whilst all the heald shafts in the middle carry two ends per repeat of the draft.

  • So, the number of ends per repeat of the design is calculated as = (2 x Number of heald shaft) – 2.

Properties Of Broken Draft: The properties of broken draft are given below. They are as follow:

  1. Broken draft can be considered as a modified Point draft.

  2. This is a combination of straight drafts with different directions of construction.

  3. But the direction is reversed not on the last or the first shaft. When the direction is reversed, the first thread of the next group is started higher or lowers than the last thread of proceeding group.

  4. Herring Bone Twills, Diaper design and some other weave is produced by applying this broken draft.

So, that’s all about point draft and broken draft.

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