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Plain Weave || Properties Of Plain Weave || Ornamentation Techniques Of Plain Cloth

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Plain weave is the simplest weave structure among all of the design of woven fabric. Most of the woven fabrics are manufactured by this weave. Very tight fabric is formed by this plain weave. In this weave structure, weft yarn passes through the warp alternatively.

Types of Plain Cloth: Plain cloth is made by plain weave. We can find the following plain cloth in the market. Trade names of plain cloth are given below:

  1. Muslin

  2. Linen

  3. Alpaca

  4. Taffeta

  5. Calico

  6. Long cloth

They are most common plain cloth.

Properties of Plain Weave: Plain weave has the following properties. They are:

  • Both sides of the weave are identical.

  • It comprises a high production of the total output of woven fabric.

  • The plain weave is made from all kinds of textile raw materials and yarns, i.e. Cotton, Linen, Jute, Man-made fibers both spun and continuous filament yarn.

  • Thread interlacement is in alternative order.

  • Each threads give maximum amount of support to the adjacent threads.

  • Texture or fabric is stronger and finer than any other structure.

  • Friction as well as stress on warp yarn is reduced by Skip Draft.

Ornamentation Techniques of Plain Cloth: Various types of plain cloth are found in the market. Although they are made by same design but they have different outlook. How it is possible? Yes, it is possible by the ornamentation process. The outlook of the plain fabric is changed as the following ornamentation process. They are as:

  1. By using extremely fine yarn, i.e. Muslim cloth.

  2. By using coarse yarn, i.e. Jute Hessian.

  3. By using threads of different colors which are combined in check form.

  4. By using the threads on both warp and weft that may be vary in color and count.

  5. By using Fancy Slub yarn.

  6. By using two warp beam in different tension.

  7. By using different twisted yarn.

  8. By using special shaped reed.

  9. By using different textile materials.

So, if we want to make some decorative plain cloth, we can do this by applying the above ornamentation techniques.

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sharang bhosale said...

good one...

sajeebul islam said...

i want to Downloode

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