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Description of Effluent Treatment Plant Process Sequence in Textile Industry

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

I have already posted about the process flowchart of ETP – Effluent Treatment Plant. But it was too much shot and contained only the process name. Now I am describing each section of these.
h2>Primary Filtration of Waste Liquor
Waste liquor after pretreatment, dyeing, printing and finishing is subjected to primary filtration, in which removal of gross solids, such as waster threads, fabric pieces, lint’s, etc, takes place.

Cooling & Mixing

After primary filtration, the liquor passes to cooling and mixing tank in which uniform mixing of effluents from various process takes place. A paddle mixer is provided for mixing. Cooling of the effluent may be done with the help of cooling tower.


The effluent is pumped to a tank in which it is neutralized by acid or alkali dozing. The tank has an automatic dosing controller which at automatically control the dose of acid or alkali to maintain the required PH .


Then the effluent is pumped to the co-agulation tank. Chemical co-agulation very effective for removal of color and suspended materials, aluminum, ferrous sulphates, ferric chloride, chlorinate dcopper etc. to increase the efficiency of co-agualtion, co –agulation gain may be added for example polyacrylate.

Setting & Separation of Sludge

Some of the soluble organic matter and light suspended solids will form a blanket of flocculent matter with the co-agulants. The blanket is skimmed of to another tank and the remaining solution is moved to pressure filter.

Pressure Filter

For pressure filtration vacuum pumps may be used to force through the filter and suspended flocks are collected in the pressure fine filter.

Discharging to Drain

After filtration the purified water sent to drain which eventually reach to the river or anywhere else.

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