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What are the assumptions of an Ideal Yarn Properties?

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

The following yarn properties should have a textile yarn if it is said as a ideal yarn-
1. The yarn in circular in cross-section and is uniform along its length.
2. Yarn is composed of concentric layers of different radial.
3. Each fibre follows a uniform helical path around one of the concentric cylinder so that its distance from yarn axis remains constant.
4. A fibre at the centre will follow a straight line of the axis.
5. The axis of circular cylinders coir sides with yarn axis.
6. The number of filaments or fibres crossing the unit area is constant; that is the density of packing. Fibres in the yarn are constant throughout the model.
7. Every filament in the yarn will have the same amount of twist per unit length.
8. The yarn consists of very large number of filaments.
If the above mentioned yarn properties is absent on any yarn than the yarn should not be allowed on weaving to make fabric. Because it will not be able to give you a perfect weaving combination where the warp and weft yarn’s parameter is mandatory to be maintained.

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