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Simplex Frame | Functions Of Simplex/Roving Frame/Speed Frame

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

In yarn manufacturing process; simplex or speed frame is situated after the comber. The sliver which is produced from the comber that is thicker and it is not suitable to feed into the ring frame directly to produce yarn. For this reason, drawn sliver is treated before entering into the ring frame. An intermediate process is done before ring frame. That process is done by simplex or speed frame. This roving frame converted the thick drawn sliver into thin sliver with low twist and produce fine roving which is suitable to produce yarn by feeding into the ring or others. Followings are the principle of roving frame.

Drawn sliver→ Speed frame/Roving frame/Simplex →   Roving

Roving →        Ring frame →          Yarn

In this process drawn sliver is input and fine roving is output. This roving is feed into ring frame for yarn production. It is noted that, simplex is essential for the production of cotton yarn in case of ring spinning by ring spinning system.

Functions of Simplex Frame: Various types of objectives are achieved by the simplex frame like carding or combing action. Followings are the main functions of simplex or roving or speed frame.

  1. Creeling: Creeling is the first objective of simplex frame arrangement. By the creeling, small amount of draft is applied to the drawn sliver.

  2. Drafting: Attenuation of drawn sliver to produce required amount of roving by drafting. Thick drawn sliver is converted into thin roving by the drafting system.

  3. Twisting: Small amount of twist is inserted in the drafted stand of fibers by the twisting. The amount of twist is very low.

  4. Building: Build the roving on to bobbin such a form which will facilitate unwinding handling and transfer to the next process.

  5. Winding: Produced or twisted roving is wound on the bobbin by the winding process. This bobbin is feed to the ring frame and this bobbin accelerates the next process. So, it is important.

  6. Doffing: It is the optional functions of speed frame. Doffing could be done manually or automatically.

So, simplex frame plays an important role in the spinning process. Various types of yarn faults could be appear for the wrong drafting or twisting. For this reason, the operator should be careful during the process. Machine parameters should be set properly for producing specific count yarn.

Proper roving can give better yarn properties. So, we should be care full about the selection of simplex or speed frame or roving frame.

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