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Combing Process || Objectives And Contribution Of Combing In Spinning Technology

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

In spinning technology; combing is considered as an additional process. If we want to produce finer yarn then we need to pass combing process. Combed yarn is produce in this method. After carding process combing is done simultaneously to produce combed yarn. Combing process is done to upgrade the quality of the raw materials. Combing is done by the comber.

Objectives of combing process: After carding action, combing is done for produce finer yarn or high count yarn in English counting system. Following objectives are achieved by the combing process.

  1. To remove short fibers before a pre-selected length.

  2. Fiber parallelization is improved by the combing action.

  3. Various types of foreign materials and impurities are removed by the combing action.

  4. Neps are eliminated by the combing action.

Contribution of combing: Combing action improves different types of fiber properties as well as yarn quality. Followings are the contribution of combing.

  1. Spinning value (count of yarn) is improved by the combing action.

  2. Yarn strength is improved by the combing.

  3. Combing reduces hairiness of the yarn.

  4. It accelerates the next process.

  5. Combing reduces imperfection like- neps, thick and thin places of the yarn.

  6. Better twist distribution is achieved by the combing action.

  7. Cleaner yarn is achieved by the combing process.

  8. It improves the smoothness of the yarn.

  9. Lustrous yarn is achieved by the combing process.

Combed yarn is generally used for produce knitted and woven fabrics. Fineness of the fabric depends on the properties of the yarn. Better quality yarn can give better knitting or weaving efficiency. Most important is that, yarn should have evenness, should be regular in diameter and CV% should be low and quality ration should be high.

Yarn properties also affect the dyeing efficiency. So, yarn should be free from different types of yarn faults.

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