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Reasons of Undeveloped Jute Sector (BJMC) of Bangladesh

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

The Govt. Jute mills of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) is being developed day by day. But the development speed is not as satisfactory as the money are being invested. But why? Yes……..there are some crucial facts are hidden as the reasons that threatens the Jute Mills. I have accumulated some important facts with some possible solutions.


A Management needs adequate qualified personnel to be run properly. But if we see the Jute Mills under BJMC we see; there are a huge gap has been created. Jute Industry is basically a huge organization which is to be run with lots of peoples. The people who are currently managing or governing Jute Industries; maximum of these are not educated. Some important posts are occupied by uneducated peoples who are not enough knowledgeable to run a mill efficiently.
1. Proper peoples should be set up in proper place.
2. We should set Educated and Skilled peoples on the Top Management to run the Mill upto the highest limit.
3. Qualified personnel should be recruited.
To operate any project well planning must be applied. How much order will be taken upcoming year accordingly will purchase jute and make stock. We must fill our target capacity by taking order and purchasing Jute. But there is no proper planning in our mills to ship order and to purchase jute.
1. Planning department will calculate how price can be reducing by taking more order as per our capacity.
2. Planning department will allocate the item suitable for which mill in BJMC.
3. They should not take excess order which is out of our capacity.
Lead time
Due to various reason mills cannot maintain specified lead time for any particular order. Then we will suffer shipment problem of all order. We have to take care on lead time for all orders to maintain as per planning.
1. Planning department will plan to maintain lead time.
2. Additional arrangement must be available to take action with falling lead time.
3. Lead time should not be congested rather than it will be workable.
Jute Buying or Purchasing:
Previously we could not purchase our required amount of jute on time. For this reason we had to expense extra money against the particular order, which causes goods with higher prices. To be competitor in jute world market price must be reasonable. To do this job jute stocks have to be sufficient and quality will be finer.
1. Jute price should be fixed by BJMC on time.
2. Jute should be purchase sufficiently if possible will export raw jute.
3. Jute purchasing should be transparent.
4. Jute quality should be finer.
Productivity is our main problem but we are taking action on production, productivity is being neglected. We get higher output with investing more than sufficient input which can not make a production profitable. We might think how factory overhead, manufacturing cost may be reduced as well as raw materials.
1. Factory overhead and manufacturing cost must be reduced to be fixed.
2. Production should be increased.
3. Input and output will have a consistency.
Production Process:
We are observing lot of wastages are being formed in our jute mills which are controllable. Besides many machinery have been idle but necessary action has not been taken to replace or repair these. We are straightly stopping production of these machines which looses our capacity.
1. Production process should be updated as per requirement.
2. Wastage should be controlled.
3. Machinery must not be idle if required overhauling can be done.
We don’t have alternate power supply if general power supply is failed which losses our production directly with comparing our demand. Production is directly related with power but within 40 years after liberation we could not arrange generator or alternate power supply to operate mill fluently without stopping production.
1. Power might not be failed in pick season.
2. Alternate power supply or generator may be arranged.
Maintenance should have to be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly if required instantly. But in our mills we are not doing preventive maintenance as usually. Just doing break down sometimes overhauling. This negligence on maintenance is reducing machine’s efficiency. As we are not arranging new machines so with lower efficient machinery our capacity is being reduced.
1. Preventive maintenance should be carried out properly.
2. During attaching new machine parts we are using poor quality of tools which should be avoided.
3. Without overhauling any machine should not be rejected or idle.
Worker is the main asset of Industry. We are developing in industrial sector due to lower labor cost but our labor are unskilled and uneducated. They are not performing their allocated job efficiently. To develop their mentality we are not as usually taking any training or motivation aspect.
1. Training program can be arranged for the worker.
2. Motivation should be applied on them.
3. Skilled labor should be recruited.
I hope; BJMC authority will give proper views on the fact that I have mentioned above in order to Develop the Bangladeshi Jute mills.

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