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Neps in Textiles | Classification of Neps & Neps Count

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Neps is the mostly discussed textile yarn, fiber & fabric faults. In Today’s textile class I will give some basic idea about neps in textile raw materials and it’s type with count.

Definition of Neps

Neps may be considered as small tight balls of entangled fibers which lead to the downgrading or yarn and fabric. The cross-sectional size of neps is + 140% to +400% of normal yarn and its fault length is 1 mm.

Classification of Neps

For cotton fiber; there are five types of Neps. These are –
  1. Process Neps: Commonly produced by faulty carding or up to spinning yarn.
  2. Mixed Neps: Fibres tangle around a foreign materials. For instance – Grit.
  3. Immature Neps: Generally form by processing immature fibre.
  4. Homogeneous Dead Neps: A tangle of nearly all dead fibres.
  5. Fuzz Neps: A fault of short fuzz fibers.

Count of Neps

Nep count is the no. of neps per 100 square inches of card web forming ( a standerd hank of sliver of 12 NE on a 40 inch wide card).

How To Measure the Count of Neps?

At first a web is collected from the card placed on a 10 inch × 10 inch black board. Then the neps are counted and the no. of neps found is corrected fro any difference in hank or card width.
Mathematically, Nep Count, n = m × 100 [ m = no. of neps per inch square card web].

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neps in texile

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