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Caustic Wash | Garment Washing Procedure With Recipe [1st Part]

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

You know, today the Textile Engineering fields are swiftly enlarged. The recent version of new trends has been already added in Apparel and Textile Industry which is Garment Washing. And Caustic Wash is one of the popular and mostly used process of Garment Washing.
Basically we wash or dyed a fabric before going to garment section. Just imagine a fabric which is going to the washing or dyeing section after made itself as a Garment. However it’s not exactly the Dyeing or Washing unit that we usually see at the normal Dyeing or Textile Mills. It’s made on a different way which is called the Denim or Washing Plant.
Ok…let me go to describe the Caustic Wash now. I should mention that there are lots of Washing procedure are available in Garment Washing Industry.
Today I have just choosed the Caustic Wash to tell you. However I will make some post on the other Garmen washing procedures like Stone Wash, Sand Blasting, Enzyme Wash later. So keep visiting my blog to be updated with the contemporary Textile Articles and processes. Don’t forget to mention here by a comment that what more information you may need to read.
In case of Caustic wash, pre-treatment and printing of the garments fabric is little bit different then the normal process. Normally printing on fabric is done after pre-treatment of grey fabric that is desizing, scouring and bleaching.
But in case of caustic wash, printing is done on the fabric without pre-treatment of the fabric. These fabrics are used manufacture garments. Then the garments are subjected to caustic wash. During caustic wash 20% – 30% pigment is washed out, as a result different color fading affect is produced in the garments.
Recipe Making of Caustic Wash :
A batch of 100 Kg pigment printed garments is considered. The garments are loaded in the garment washing machine together with 500 liters of water at L:R = 1:5. Start machine running and the following chemicals add gradually in the liquor.
Caustic 4% = 4 Kg.
Soda Ash 2% = 2 Kg
Detergent 1% = 1 Kg
H2O2 4% = 4 Kg
Stabilizer 2% = 2 Kg
This is the first post where I have showed you a recipe of Caustic wash and some basic information. The rest of this post will be given in the second post. Just wait for the tomorrow.

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    caustic wash

      Unknown said...

      Garments washing plays an important role. It is done in the finishing department.
      This article is informative.
      Know about Garments Washing: Normal Wash

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