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What is Pigments || Comparison between Dyes and Pigments

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Pigments are the special type of dyeing or printing materials for wet processing technology. It is not so easy task to print or dye a material by pigments, because pigment is 100% water insoluble. So it needs to take special technique for pigment dyeing or printing. Generally pigment is use for printing.

Pigments can be define as a water insoluble coloring material mostly mineral origin have been used for coloration of metal, wood, stone and textile materials. Pigments have different types of chemical characteristics. Some examples of pigments are given bellow:

  1. Dioxazine

  2. Fluorubine

  3. Isoindoline

  4. Perylene perinone

  5. Pyrocoline

  6. Quinacridone

  7. ETC

Dyes and pigments are the main coloring materials. So we have to know about the comparison between dyes and pigments, which will give us a clear idea about this two.

Generally organic materials are dyed or printOrganic and inorganic both types are dyed or print
It is water solubleIt is completely water insoluble
It contains auxo chrome in their chemical structureNo auxo chrome contains in pigments
Color fastness generally average to excellentColor factness is average to good
Its application method is very easyNeed binder for application
It is generally used for dyeingGenerally used for printing
Dyes are expensive than pigmentsPigments are generally inexpensive than dyes
Dyes have attraction for fibersThey have no attraction for fibers
It applies selectively on textile materialsAll fibers can be color

In modern times pigment use to dyeing cotton fabric besides printing. Different types of pigment are supplied by different well known dye and pigment manufacturing companies.

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Abutu Theresa said...

Thanks to this blog im getting more interested in textile technology

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