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How to Improve Productivity || Reduction of Process Loss in Jute Mills

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

In this present age every man wants to get most benefit from his investment. For this reason they are interested to get maximum output from low input. To ensure that one should be careful before start a project. One should be calculative in every steps of investment. Poor management could be harmful. So management should be strong. Skilled personnel are needed for that. Man, Machine, Money Should available. I represents some suggestions to improve the productivity of jute mills as well as textile sectors and others industry.



Way to improve productivity in jute mills:

  • Standard moisture content in jute should be ensured.

  • Moisture content and correct weightiest of jute received in jute mills should be properly recorded in the register meant for the purpose under attention by the competent officers on jute and batching department.

  • Process stock taking should be done by carefully in terms on last Friday of every month in accordance with the guide line enclosed. They should be composed of -

  1. Project Head

  2. Accounts Head

  3. Production Manager

  4. Deputy Manager

  5. Concern Department

  • Quantity of jute received in batching department should ensure.

  • Regular checking on the procurement and issue of actual quality of Jute Batching Oil (J.B.O) by competent personnel is must.

  • Preparation and application of emulsion on jute should be properly.

  • Jute should be conditioned properly in the batching department. Even cut jute should be conditioned at least of 24 hours.

  • Correct grade and quality of jute should be received in the jute department.

  • Maintenance department must ensure proper setting and gauging of different rollers of carding machine.

  • Proper carding ratio for different qualities of yarn should be regularly checked and maintain.

  • The surface of the tin cylinder should be uniform and smooth.

  • Standard twist for respective yarn should be maintained and excessive twist should avoid.

  • Thread wastage should be minimized and bring down to standard as per guide line.

  • Starch ingredient should be checked. Over drying and under drying in sizing should be avoided.

  • Weaving and finishing department should ensure the application of water in dry beaming and damping.

  • Recovery of the caddis from dust must be ensured and only actual dust should be thrown out after proper weightiest and entry into the register.

  • Standard packing of finished goods must be ensured. In dry case it should never exceed 0.5 to 1% and standard for Hessian, Sacking C.B.C respectively.

  • Representation of jute and batching department responsible for checking issue and receipt of raw jute should be placed frequently.

At last, the main factors to improve productivity through optimum utilization of the inputs may be listed as:

a)      Human resource which requires careful handling for optimum output.

b)      Control of input materials in terms of quality, quantity and cost.

c)      Overall calculation is needed to reduce losses in the industry.


So, we can implement above factors in our practical life. I am sure production process loss will reduce and productivity will improve. One will reach his/her goal.

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