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Features Of Water Jet Cutter For Garment Cutting

Posted by Textile Fashion Guide: A Dedicated Textile Fashion Education Informations Blog

Water jet cutter is a modern cutting instrument. It is run by a computerized system. Special software is used for doing this cutting. Laser cutter and water jet cutter both are operated by computer.

Features Of Water Jet Cutter: The features of water jet cutter are given below. They are –

  1. Water jet cutter is consisting of water pump and nozzle.

  2. Special software used to cut wood or fabric.

  3. In water jet cutter, water is used to cut wood or fabric which is controlled by computer.

  4. For doing this cutting, ice table is used.

Water jet cutter is not suitable for fabric cutting but this cutter is under research to cut fabric.

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David - Walshmfg.com said...

With this technology becoming more popular now, I’m sure that water jet cutting machine is a great choice for this industry. Especially considering its high cutting speed and the ability to cut hard materials easily.

Otis Kirby - Cdmcmachine.com said...

I believe that water jet technology can give so much impact on garment industry. Especially with its ability to cut material easily and precisely.

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